When We have decided to be an interior designer - We are in search with the best college which will gives us the best knowledge as well as proficiency.
In Kolhapur city there are many options like 6 months certificate course, 1 year diploma, 2 years diploma, 3 years degree.4 year’s degree but our search ends with "Academy Of Design".
In Academy of Design two years full time diploma is awarded. But it is different than other colleges because there is no holiday in 1 and 1/2 year + Six Months Internship. That means more & quality learning in less duration.
In Academy of Design the innovative method of learning like there is no "time table”, no "holiday", convenient timings so that we can do the job or other degree simultaneously. The word “COMPUTERIZED" impressed us , because now a day’s drawing board, t-square, sets squares are thrown away from many of the design offices.
For these reasons we have taken admission in "Academy Of Design".

Ar. Chandravadan Divate